This week is Australia’s Healthy Weight Week. An initiative from the Dietitians Association of Australia to educate the Australian community about healthy eating. As well as how to achieve a healthy size or weight. It is also a chance to celebrate the role and hard work Accredited Practising Dietitians put in to helping clients with this!
Why is Healthy Weight Week so important?
New research has found less than 1 in 4 Australians will be of a healthy weight by 2031-2032. The cost of chronic disease is increasing dramatically. The latest national health survey found that only 7% of Australian adults meet the recommended serving of vegetables. Only 49.8% meet the recommended serving of fruit daily (Source: ABS, 2015).
Check out the Australia’s Healthy Weight Week website to download their free 10 recipe cookbook from the boys at Sprout – APD Themis Chryssidis & celebrity cook Callum Hann!
There are lots of events happening around Australia this week that you can be involved in, have a look at the above website to find one near you!